Code Of Conduct – Students
DO’S - Be respectful to your
parents, teachers, staff of the school and elderly citizens.
- Be punctual.
- Be neat and clean
- Be humble in your
success of victory.
- Be honest, upright
and truthful.
- Be co – operative and
exhibit team spirit for positive attitude and conduct
- Have and maintain
exemplary behavior and show respect for the feelings of others
- Be patient ,tolerant
and secular.
- Take pride in your -self, your school, your parents and your nation.
- Be courteous. Remember
two very good words.
- Be thankful to god
for everything that he has given to you.
- Believe in yourself
and have courage. Remember god is with you and always and everywhere.
Don’t s
- Do not cause hurt by
your words of deeds .
- Do not be afraid to speak the truth or to
accept a mistake.
- Do not damage or disfigure property of your school or at home.
- Do not use abusive
language .
- Do not look down upon
those who are less privilege, weak or physically
- Do not ill treat animals or birds .
- Do not
mock or ridiculed on someone’s failure.
- Do not pass castiest , anti religious or racial comments.
- Do not be arrogant .
- Do not
copy or cheat.
- Do not steal .
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