Ptm (Parents Teacher Meeting )

A parent teacher conference ,parent teacher interview, is a short meeting or conference between the parents and teachers of  students to discuss a child’s progress at school and find solutions to academic or behavioral problems. It is mandatory for all parents to attend the parent-teacher meeting .In case of an extreme situation where the parents  cannot attend, written intimation should be provided. If  the child is not making the desired progress, parents are welcome to contact the principal.

  • Dates for parent teacher meeting will be announced in advance after the terminal exam.
  • Parents must attend the meeting  otherwise the report card verification will remain incomplete.
  • PTM for classes 1 to 10 will be arranged on a special day in presence of the principal.
  • With prior information , special parents teacher meeting may be arranged for  the benefit of weaker students.
  • PTMs is arranged to discuss the performance and progress of their ward. So, parents are requested to visit school as the when asked to visit by the respective teachers  or the school authority.
  • Parents are requested to be present for parent-teacher meetings called from time to time.

Presence of your ward on the first and last day of school after every holiday is mandatory.


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