APS Darjeeling strives to make children gain control and
power over their own lives. This exercise involves building self confidence of
the children and shaping their mindset and attitudes. Collaborative efforts of
parents will always be appreciated looking for continued support.
1. Parents
are expected to co- operate with the working of the school by encouraging in
the students and taking active interest in the students’ progress. They should
check the diary regularly to note the teacher’s remarks.
2. Parents
must briefly state the reason for their ward not attending school even for a
3. Parents
or guardians are not allowed to take their ward or meet teachers during school
hours without the permission of the Principal. They are also requested not to
accompany their wards to the classroom at arrival or departure.
4. Parents
should not enter the classroom during school hours without prior permission
from the Principal. There is a waiting area in school where the parents are
requested to wait for the Principal’s permission.
5. Parents
are requested to send their ward neatly dressed to school. Cleanliness of the
ward and the uniform is the responsibility of the parents.
6. Parents
should ensure that their ward wear the ID card on daily basis to school. It is
a part of the school uniform.
7. Parents
should regularly attend the PTMs to discuss the performance and progress of their
ward. parents are requested to visit school as the when asked to visit by the
respective teachers or the school authority.
8. Parents
must check that their ward carries books according to the time table.This
reduces the chance of their ward missing out on any books for the day.
9. Parents
should ensure the regularity of their ward to school.parents are requested not
to withdraw their wards during school hours except in unavoidable circumstances.
10.Parents should ensure
that their ward do not bring any valuable items (gadgets)or money to school.
11.Parents are informed
that their children are LIABLE TO BE SENT HOME FOR ANY of the following
a) Not getting report books or circulars signed
when required.
b) Not
being on time for assembly class
c) Not
having the non attendance record duly completed
d) Repeatedly
forgetting to bring books.
12.Fees – parents are required to pay their ward fee in
advance for the quarter.
13. late fees – if fees are not paid by the 10th
of month , late fees will be charged as under-
a) up to 20th of the current month -Rs 100/-
b) up to 1 month -Rs 200/-
c) up to 2 month -Rs 400/-
d) up to 3 month -Rs 750/-
if fees and fines are not paid for three consecutive
months ,the name of the student will be struck of the role .